Covell Community Church is a Christ-centered church that cares for our congregation and our communities by glorifying the Lord, growing in His Word, discipling His people, and evangelizing the world, carefully and obediently, all for His praise and glory.
We believe in Jesus, we love Jesus, and we live for Jesus, and we believe that we should always live in a state of preparedness, ready to share the Lord and His Word to any person that we meet and see.
Our Sunday morning service is from 9:30am - 10:45am. We also offer Prayer Hour, Women in the Word, F.O.C.A.L. (Fellowship of Christ-Abiding Ladies), and Quilt and Craft Ministry.
I'M NEW...
Let's face it, those two words, "I'm New", can create feelings of apprehension and anxiety. Oftentimes, we equate those words to our first day at a new school, a new job, and even a first visit to a local church. To help alleviate those anxious moments, we have attempted to answer some of "those questions" that you might find yourself asking before you attend Covell Community Church for the first time:
How do I get to Covell Community Church?Admittedly, we are not easy to find. Even Charles Lindbergh, the famous air mail pilot who once flew non-stop from New York to Paris and gained hero status from doing this, found Covell by "accident". His November 3, 1926 crash just outside of Covell put this little community on the map, but it did not make it any easier to find. Because the town of Covell has no zip code, landing strip, or gas station, we thought that we should tell you that it is located along East 1000 North Road, about seven miles west of downtown Bloomington, and six miles east of Stanford. In addition, we have included a map at the bottom of the page for easier navigation.
When does the church meet?Covell Community Church offers a 75-minute worship service on Sunday mornings at 9:30 am. Holy Communion is conducted 6 times per year, or approximately every other month, and is an integral part of our worship service on those set-apart Sundays. In addition, we offer various types of fellowship and worship throughout the week, including Prayer Hour, Women in the Word, F.O.C.A.L. (Fellowship of Christ-Abiding Ladies), and Quilt and Craft Ministry.
What should I expect from Covell Community Church?You can expect a worship experience that glorifies our Lord through the expository teaching and preaching of the Word of God, the singing of traditional church hymns and select, current, Christ-first songs, and ample time for prayer and praise by caring people who prioritize their Lord and Savior above themselves.
What should I wear to the church service?We believe that your dress comfort is more important than any dress code. At Covell Community Church, "casual" is common, but we have seen suits, shorts, and T-shirts, as well as jeans, jerseys, and boots. We believe that our focus should be more on Christ and less on clothes.
What will my kids be doing during the church service?You love them, Jesus loves them, and so do we! Covell Community Church features a fully staffed nursery that is adjacent to our sanctuary, offering a safe and loving environment for every child that enters. We also believe that today's church children should be tomorrow's church leaders, and thus we encourage a family worship environment where parents and children learn the Word and worship the Lord together as a faithful, family unit.
What does Covell Community Church believe?We have provided a tab that will assist in answering this all-important question. When clicked, you will see our Statement of Faith and Statement of Belief, as well as our Commission Statement. These Biblical statements remind us that when we believe in Jesus, love Jesus, and live for Jesus, that we should always live in a state of preparedness, ready to share the Lord and His Word to any person that we meet and see. We believe that our family members, co-workers, friends, enemies, classmates, and neighbors should always see Jesus in us. How do we accomplish this? It is only done through the sanctifying power of Jesus, by way of the Holy Spirit, who equips us to evangelize the world and glorify of our Lord.
Will I have to say anything, sign anything, give anything, or be singled out in any way at church?The answers are as follows: No, No, No, and Maybe. Although it is easy to understand the word "no", let us explain the word "maybe". Because we are a “church that cares” (a moniker affixed to our church for over 40 years), we are oftentimes guilty of displaying that care, concern, and love to our visitors and new attendees. We want to get to know you, and thus we will likely spend time with you before and after the service. Our goal is that you will feel cared for, cared about, and loved; and we believe that it is only by God’s great grace that we have followed these Biblical mandates at Covell Community Church for 100+ years.
While some of your questions may have been addressed, we are aware that there will likely be more. We believe that asking questions and gathering information is one of the most rewarding parts of our Christian walk, and thus we encourage you to ask us anything that we have not addressed by emailing our church elders at covellcommunitychurch@comcast.net.